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On 24th November, Julian Oberndörfer, CEO ERA GLOBAL, interviews the iconic Bob Circosta, television's first ever home shopping host. American businessman and television host, Bob is known worldwide as 'TV's Billion Dollar Man'.

As a recognition for his contribution and lifetime achievements in the electronic retailing industry, Bob received the first-ever HSN Legend Award.

It all started in 1977, Bob was working at one as a talk show host at a small Clearwater AM radio station. Station owner, Bud Paxton, went to collect an advertising bill from an appliance company the station had been promoting for 13 weeks. Instead of money, he gave Paxton a case of 112 avocado-green can openers, take it or leave it. He reluctantly accepted the deal and brought them back to the station. Bob was given the can opener and told to sell them on air which he did.

Circosta started to sell more products and this became the International Suncoast Bargaineers Club which grew into the nationwide cable TV phenomenon, Home Shopping Network (HSN).

Over the past 43 years, Bob Circosta has logged over 25,000 hours of selling on TV, made more than 75,000 product presentations and sold $6 billion in merchandise, humbly earning him the title, 'TV's Billion Dollar Man'.

Do you have questions? Please send them at: conference@era-global.org

Dr. Julian Orberndörfer, CEO ERA GLOBAL, interviews Bob about the first moments of teleshopping and Bob’s key-lifetime learnings that are still applicable to our industry today. As the host of a daily radio show, Bob initially sold products via the airwaves. Bob would take all calls and orders from his listeners himself, creating relationships with his audience which would last for decades and shape the industry as we know it today.

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This Event Took Place On

24 Nov 2020 to 25 Nov 2020

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